Following Jesus
Where biblical truth and real life meet

Following Jesus
Where biblical truth and
real life meet

We Gather Each Week
We believe that gathering with our church family is an essential part of following Jesus. We come together for corporate worship on Sundays at 9 & 11am, and we also gather in Community Groups throughout the week.
We Are Equipped
To Live It Out
From our Sunday gatherings to Community Groups and Christian Education classes, we equip you with everything you need to follow Jesus.
We Are Sent On Mission
We believe that living on mission is central to our identity as Christ followers. We strive to live that out in our daily lives, while also sending and supporting missionaries and church planters both locally and abroad.
New Here?
Here’s what to expect when you gather with us for worship.
Helping Parents Raise A New Generation Of Jesus Followers
We believe that every generation of the church is called to follow Jesus in community. We are committed to walking alongside parents and guardians as they raise a new generation of Jesus followers!

Stay Connected
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